

our policies

  • Absences & Make Up Classes

    While we understand that occasional absences may occur due to unforeseen circumstances, we do not offer makeup classes, credits or refunds for said absences.

    Weather, Power outage, Unforeseen circumstances: In the event of extreme weather, power outages, or other unforeseen circumstances that result in the cancellation of recreational gymnastics classes, we will offer a make-up class that will be scheduled at a date and time determined by gym management. We will make every effort to accommodate the needs of our participants while adhering to the availability of our facilities and staff.

    Parents/guardians will be notified promptly via email.

  • Communication

    All updates, announcements, and questions will be answered and communicated through e-mail or in person during our business hours.

  • Federation & Insurance Fees

    The Federation & Insurance Fee is mandatory for every registered gymnast. It covers the affiliation fee for the Fédération de gymnastique Québec and insurance costs.

    The Federation fee covers a specific period; it is valid starting from September 1, 2024 until August 31, 2025. This means that once you pay this fee, you are covered and can participate for this entire period. Under no circumstances will the Federation & Insurance fee be refunded.

  • Discounts

    Sibling Discount: Register 3 kids from the same address and get 15% off.

    Multiple Course Discount: Sign up for 2 recreational classes a week and get 15% off.

  • Gymnast Attire

    All gymnasts are required to wear a gymnastics leotard with the option of tight-fitting shorts.

    Tight-fitted short sleeved shirts are acceptable, but gymnastic suits are preferred.

    Gymnasts must have their hair tied back and are not permitted to wear loose fitting jewelry (ie: necklaces, hoop earrings, bracelets, anklets, etc). Studded earrings are acceptable.

    No socks are allowed while training to prevent slipping risks/injuries. Bare feet only in the gymnasium.

    Gum is prohibited in the training area.

  • Gym Access

    Due to restrictions imposed by public health and the Fédération de Gymnastique du Québec, the gymnasium is reserved for gymnasts and Flex-Art employees only. Parents, Guardians, and spectators are prohibited to enter the training area during class time; they are allowed to sit in our spectator-designated area.

  • Lost or Stolen Items

    Flex-Art Gymnastics Club is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.

  • Payment

    Recreational: The full payment for recreational classes is required at the time of registration. Payments can be processed via credit card or pre-paid card. Please note that we do not accept cash payments. All transactions must be conducted online through our dedicated registration platform, Splex.

    Competitive: Information to be sent by e-mail.

  • Refunds


    • Any classes missed, for whatever reason, will not be refunded or credited.

    • Before the session begins: If you cancel before the session has begun, a full refund is in order (minus the Federation & Insurance fees which are non-refundable).

    • After the session begins: A refund can only be made in the event of injury or health problems upon presentation of a medical note which mentions the obligation to stop activities. The reimbursement amount will be calculated in proportion to the number of classes remaining at the time the medical paper is obtained.

    A refund may also be given before the third week of class begins. You will be refunded the amount for the remainder of the classes in the session, minus the two classes taken and the Federation & Insurance fee.

    There will be no refunds after the third class has been taken.

    To cancel your registration, you must send an email to flexartgymnastics@yahoo.com including the parent's full name, the child's full name, the day and time of the class you wish to cancel, and the age category.

    • Under no circumstances will the Federation & Insurance fee be refunded.


    This will be communicated by e-mail for the competitive team.

  • Trial Classes

    Please note that our gym does not offer trial classes, as the potential gymnast is not covered by the Federations Insurance. However, we warmly invite prospective participants to come and observe a class if they are unsure about registering. We do not guarantee that spots will be available by this time.

  • Gymnasts Code of Conduct

    Respect: Treat coaches and fellow gymnasts with respect, kindness, and sportsmanship at all times. Respect the facility, equipment, and rules of the gym.

    Commitment: Attend practices regularly and arrive on time, prepared to give your best effort and focus throughout the session. Take responsibility for your own learning and progress.

    Safety: Follow all safety guidelines and instructions provided by coaches.

    Effort: Strive for improvement and excellence in your gymnastics skills. Listen attentively to coaches' feedback and demonstrate a positive attitude towards learning and growth.

    Communication: Communicate openly and respectfully with coaches, addressing any questions, concerns, or feedback in a constructive manner. No vulgar language and profanities will be accepted.

    Sportsmanship: Display good sportsmanship at all times.

    • We have a zero-tolerance policy for any form of bullying or discrimination. Such behavior will result in immediate action.

  • Parent's Code of Conduct

    Respect: Treat coaches, staff, and fellow parents with respect and courtesy.

    Communication: Maintain open and respectful communication with coaches and staff, addressing any questions, concerns, or feedback in a constructive manner. Advocate for your child's needs while respecting the professional expertise of the coaching staff. No vulgar language and profanities will be accepted.

    Commitment: Ensure that your child attends practices regularly and arrives on time, prepared and equipped with the necessary attire and equipment. If your child will be missing class for any reason, please advise us via e-mail: flexartcompetitive@yahoo.com

    • Show respect towards coaches and accept their decisions without interference.

    • Refrain from disrupting classes while they are in progress. Communication with coaches should be limited to before or after practice sessions.

    • We have a zero-tolerance policy for any form of bullying or discrimination.

    • In the event of any breach of the code of conduct, Flex-Art reserves the right to terminate your registration.

  • Important Terms & Conditions

    When you register, you provide us with your consent for the three points mentioned below.

    1. Act respecting the protection of personal information in the private sector (P-39.1): In order to respect the Act, certain information related to your child's affiliation will be forwarded to the Fédération de Gymnastique du Québec.

    2. Canadian anti-spam legislation (C-28): In order to respect the Legislation, you agree to receive our email communications.

    3. Integrity Policy & Safe Sport: You can consult our integrity protection policy & Safe Sport Policy at the following link: https://www.gymqc.ca/static/uploaded/Files/Documents/sport%20securitaire/Politique%20protection%20integrite/2021-02-04-Politique-en-matiere-de-protection-de-lintegrite.pdf